My knitting fears, hopes, dreams, and what comes of them.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Shirley, the organizer of the Pratchgan, just received this e-mail!!!!

Dear Shirley,

I’m sorry not to have come back to you earlier, but there seemed no time at
all between Edinburgh and the
Discworld Convention from which I returned only yesterday.

I am amazingly touched by all the work that has gone into the Pratchgan and
in the fullness of time hope to get a letter out to every single
contributor. I must confess to you that we are having real problems
positioning it here in the property! As a throw it could cover several
chairs at once. As a wall hanging
it would have been fine except that we would have to move the built in
bookcases on those walls big enough
to accommodate its width. That’s the thing about flat walls - they grow
bookcases. Currently it is hanging in a doorway in my library and even then
(bookcases again) we can’t tease it out to its full width and depth. I
really am beginning to wonder whether it should be carefully rolled onto an
ornamental scroll and brought out to be demonstrated to special visitors -
you know, like the Tora or Magna Carta, although obviously more sacred. It
seems an awful shame and I think we’ll see what we can do with the doorway
version. We are also going to experiment hanging it from the ceiling in the
way of regimental banners you see in cathedrals. At the moment the doorway
is pretty good, although I am worried about the weight of the material
distorting the Pratchgan.

I really am sorry to tell you all this because I know it was a labour of
love and kindness and is accepted
as such. I do kind of like the idea of having a sacred scroll in my office
and will ensure that it gets a box of suitable dignity. Rob is going to put
your photos and, if you do not object, this letter on In the meantime Patch, the office cat, is asleep on
the Librarian, who she seems
to find quite attractive.

Again, many thanks and best wishes.

Terry Pratchett

..... ZOMG! I cannot put into words how I feel! I am excited, and pleased, and... just overwhelmed! ^_^ I know I was just a teeny tiny part of this project, but I'm very proud of what we made and that Terry was pleased with it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this link, but unfortunately it seems to be down... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please reply to my post if you do!

I would appreciate if a staff member here at could post it.
